Tuesday, April 26, 2016

VOLUNTEER @ the Library this Summer!

Volunteer at the Library
Apply here!

Why you ask?
Meet other teens, gain some experience
and have a little fun!

What will I do?
Tasks can include but aren't limited to:
Shelving, helping with events, 
handing out summer prizes & more.

For more information, call or email
Stephanie Greene, Teen Volunteer Coordinator
480.474.8578 ~ sgreene@ajcity.net

If you need volunteer hours for school,
please contact me at the above phone or email!

VOLUNTEER @ the Library this Summer!

Full for the Summer!
Check back next year!

Why you ask?
Meet other teens, gain some experience
and have a little fun!

What will I do?
Tasks can include but aren't limited to:
Shelving, helping with events, 
handing out summer prizes & more.

For more information, call or email
Stephanie Greene, Teen Volunteer Coordinator
@ 480.474.8578 ~ sgreene@ajcity.net

If you need volunteer hours for school,
please contact me at the above phone or email!